Phia Group


Phia Group Media

Issue of the Year: Reference-Based Pricing and Balance-Billing

On December 28, 2015
Thank you for joining The Phia Group’s legal team on December 15th as they discussed reference-based pricing and balance-billing from the ground up and debunked common myths associated with it. This webinar will ended the year with a comprehensive primer on reference-based pricing and balance-billing, the rights of all parties involved, and what you can do to be proactive and successfully administer a reference-based pricing program.

Court Nixes Health Plan’s Subrogation Claim

On December 23, 2015
A health plan isn’t entitled to reimbursement of $48,000 in medical expenses it paid on behalf of a minor beneficiary who was injured in an all-terrain vehicle accident

Less Takes More - The Phia Group Addresses the Summary of Benefits & Coverage Requirement

On December 22, 2015
Benjamin Franklin, Blaise Pascal, and Mark Twain are all credited with having said, “I would have written a shorter letter, if I’d had the time.” Unfortunately, efforts to simplify complex matters often constitute the greatest challenge. This fact of life is certainly proven by the Affordable Care Act and its requirement that health plans provide consumers with a concise document detailing, in plain language, information about plan benefits and coverage. This summary of benefits and coverage document ( or “SBC”) is meant to help consumers better understand the coverage available to them, and allow them to easily compare options by summarizing key features such as the covered benefits, cost-sharing provisions, coverage limitations and exceptions.

Keeping PACE With The Trends

On December 7, 2015
Thanks for joining The Phia Group’s legal team on November 30th as we explored the numbers behind our industry’s growth and provided real-world discussion on the topic, while we explored real solutions to the issues presented.

The Supreme Court Seeks Solutions to the Latest Challenges to Subrogation Rights in Montanile Case

On December 4, 2015
The facts of the latest healthcare subrogation challenge on the SupremeCourt’s docket will be familiar to many.