Subrogation Flyer
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Mass Tort and Class Action Recovery
Phia Rewind™ Flyer
Case Studies
Subrogation & Third Party Reimbursements
Subrogation is a term used to describe when a health benefit plan pays for medical treatment, when another entity is primarily responsible for that payment. In such instances, the health benefit plan may seek reimbursement directly from the primarily responsible payer. If, however, that responsible entity has already paid another party for the same expenses already paid by the health benefit plan, the plan may recoup those funds from the party that holds them. Successful subrogation requires a combination of identifying opportunities, investigating facts, defending legal and contractual rights, and negotiation. Achieving the best possible results requires technology and legal acumen. Enter The Phia Group.
The Phia Group outperforms the competition by identifying more opportunities to recoup funds, and by recovering more on a per case basis. Thousands of organizations have stopped struggling with subrogation in-house, or have left their current subrogation service providers, to partner with The Phia Group; subsequently enjoying innovative attorney consultation and, ultimately, incredible gains.
The Phia Group’s TPS Software, “The Phia System™,” enhances recoveries through advanced case detection technology. You can’t recover from cases you don’t know about, and The Phia System™ ensures no opportunity slips through the cracks! The result? The average case activation rate across the industry is one (1) case for every six hundred (600) employee lives. Meanwhile, The Phia Group boasts an average of one (1) active case for every one hundred and fifty (150) employee lives across its book of business.
Identifying the opportunity isn’t enough. The best subrogation professionals also understand the law, and can leverage it to maximize the recovery in each case. The Phia Group’s attorneys and recovery specialists recover for employers and their health plans an average of $25 per employee per year, while the industry averages $7 per employee per year.
There are times when even the most skilled claims recovery specialists cannot secure reimbursement without taking legal action, and in such instances litigation is necessary to recoup funds. With access to the nation’s top network of subrogation litigators at optimal rates, The Phia Group will secure legal representation for their benefit plan client in the proper jurisdiction and venue. No cost is incurred without first obtaining plan approval, and attorney’s fees are handled by The Phia Group.
Mass Tort
In addition to its unrivaled subrogation services, The Phia Group has the ability to enforce your recovery rights in class actions, recalls, and mass toxic torts. With The Phia Group, clients’ claims are run through a proprietary system to identify when a participant utilized medication, a product, or was exposed to toxic substances that are now featured in some form of class action, recall, or litigation – presenting opportunities to recoup funds for the plan. With its multifaceted cutting-edge system, predictive algorithms, and analytics, The Phia Group is uniquely positioned to achieve maximum success in recovering funds pertaining to mass torts.
Phia Rewind™
The Phia Group believes that every plan deserves a second chance at savings. As such, it has implemented the Phia Rewind™ program to identify missed opportunities, estimate future recoveries, and recoup valuable claims dollars. Among other cutting-edge features, the Phia Rewind ™ program offers access to litigation and accident databases, extensive reporting options with comprehensive claim details and customized features, and data analysis indicating recovery opportunities. Historically, the Phia Rewind™ program identifies one new case for every 250 member lives that were previously missed by the health plan’s in-house or external subrogation partner.