Phia Group


Phia Group Media

The Tower of Babel – Talking Heads Talking Past Each Other

On October 31, 2019
As the 2020 Presidential Election approaches, healthcare is one issue that everyone is talking about; but are they speaking the same language?

Don’t Get Bit: Avoid Falling Into the COBRA Snake Pit.

On October 28, 2019
Despite its relative simplicity in a qualified beneficiary's perspective, COBRA is a lot less simple when viewed through the eyes of an employer.

Tales From the Plan: Episode 5 – Translating Phia’s Benefit Plan

On October 24, 2019
Join Adam Russo and Ron Peck as they interview The Phia Group’s Human Resources Manager, Linda Pestana. Learn how Linda was able to navigate our health plan and negotiate with a provider to make her son’s hearing aids affordable. Additionally, Linda discusses another story regarding Phia’s health plan, and how it has completely erased the out-of-pocket expense for a medication another employee previously paid $800.00 a month for.

2020 Forecast - Storm Clouds, Clear Skies, and the Issues that will Dominate Next Year

On October 23, 2019
2020 is almost here, and The Phia Group continues its webinar series dedicated to preparing you for renewals, and the coming year. Join the team for this free webinar as they discuss the issues that impacted 2019, and are poised to dominate 2020, including (but not limited to) Mental Health Parity, Paid Leave, Health Insurance Taxes, Drug Prices, Regulations, and Coupons.

Battle Lines Drawn over Medicare for All in the Latest Democratic Debate

On October 21, 2019
Healthcare played an essential role in how the audience identified distinctions in candidates in the most recent Democratic debate.

The Phia Group's 4th Quarter 2019 Newsletter

On October 21, 2019
The Phia Group is off to a great start in the fourth quarter of 2019! Check out our newsletter to get acquainted with some of the latest happenings in our neck of the woods.

The “Greatest of Three” Rule & Barriers to Compliance

On October 17, 2019
Seeing a plan get sued over a denial isn't good, but can compel useful guidance. The issue is its failure to provide information needed to comply.

Faces of Phia: Episode 17 – Reminiscing on Memories with Mrs. Marsh

On October 16, 2019
Join Adam Russo and Ron Peck as they interview Jen Marsh, a dedicated employee that dates back to 2007, when Phia was one-third of the size it is today. Jen turns back time and goes over the past 12 years of her career here at Phia, from where she started as a Case Evaluator, to where she is today as the Client Satisfaction & Quality Control Manager... and you won't believe who used to work for her!

The Stacks - 4th Quarter 2019

On October 16, 2019
This is “The Stacks” from the Phia Group’s 4th Quarter 2019 Newsletter.

The Health Care Tug-of-War

On October 15, 2019
The conversations around impeachment, gun control, immigration are pertinent, but it is important to recognize the roll of politics in the healthcare debate.

The Art of the Pill: Will Trump Fully Buy Into an International Price Index?

On October 7, 2019
The discussion of lowering prescription drug costs is certainly on the raise, but will Trump fully buy into an International Price Index?