Phia Group


Phia Group Media

"Dude, Where's My Subro?" - Integrating Subrogation - Sought by Employers & Loved by Administrators

On May 15, 2014
As plan sponsors and administrators examine their benefit plans in light of recent legal upheaval, now is our chance to implement important cost containment mechanisms.

State/Legislative Regulatory News

On May 9, 2014
This is your weekly update of state legislative/regulatory developments affecting companies involved in the self-insurance/alternative risk transfer marketplace.

1st Quarter Newsletter 2014

On May 8, 2014
Well… “ObamaCare” is here, and so are we. The sun continues to rise in the east, and set in the west; and business goes on. Some of you have reaped the benefits of change, while others have suffered; but the reality is that for most of the industry, not much has changed.